Our Neighborhood Pet Project was formed in January 2023 to provide service to the communities in South Monterey County, a rural area on the central coast of California.


Our mission: To reduce the number of unwanted litters in South Monterey County by providing access to free or low-cost spay/neuter services for dogs and domestic and feral cats. We also work with our rescue neighborhood partners to help animals in need of new homes.


We believe that the best solution to reducing the number of unwanted dogs and cats is to provide access to low-cost spay and neuter for all residents in need.

Sponsor a cat spay monthly!

Just $25 a month can make you a cat-vocate! Help us help one more cat each month.

Community Outreach: The Cupid Litter

The Cupid Litter is a perfect example of our outreach in the community. One of our supporters heard about this litter in need. There is no such thing as an unexpected litter if your pets are not spayed/neutered, but that's the story. The owner was willing to spay momma. Daddy was a stray no longer in the area. Owner was very cooperative, allowing us to meet the pups. He also got momma and pups to their scheduled spay/neuter appointments. He surrendered them to our care after everyone was fixed and vaccinated. 

There is no other way to stop the overpopulation. Adult dogs have to get fixed. Puppies are now fixed and in rescue. We will ensure they find good homes. The breeding circle for this family ends. We work on many similar stories in our community. We end one breeding circle at a time, and it works! Thank you for helping to support our spay/neuter efforts! There is no other way to make an impact towards fewer deaths on the streets and in our shelters.

Thank You, Carmel Magazine!

We posted this late, but we are so grateful that Carmel Magazine featured FERAL CATS, and the fight trappers face in the streets daily. It is humbling to have people take notice of the passion project we are doing. We need the public's help in this. I hope that through our posts and our work, when people see the street cats, they will CARE about the cats, like we do.

I was mentored as I entered the cat world by two amazingly ethical ladies (Shelley and Lisa) who taught me and continue to teach me. I knew zero about cats. I wanted to help one cat that had a couple of litters on my property. The ferals in my area made me fall in love with their little faces, and I wanted to keep helping more cats. There is nothing as effective as TNR in all of rescue. I encourage you to look into these little faces and help us advocate. 

Thank you Carmel Magazine for shining some light on this topic in such a visually beautiful way.                     -Maria

Over 900 Rescued Since March 2023!

January 2025 was a crazy month for us! So much need everywhere. We saw a spike in owner surrender requests. Fortunately, with the help of rescue partners, we were able to get through our waiting list of 24 dogs in need. We also have a pending litter of puppies coming in a few weeks. 

Whenever possible, we facilitate spay/neuter for adult dogs and cats in the home. We agree to take litters when we have foster space or transfer partners available once we get cooperation from owners about getting everyone else spayed/neutered.

We have been working a tough area along the riverbottom. We helped fix all three adult huskies. We were able to intake four puppies. We also saw the need to assist fixing cats. We helped TNR 12 cats. There are three young kitties remaining, but we have cooperation from the caretakers, so we will return for those. There is no other way to help our area proactively, but to follow through with spay/neuter.

2024 Rescue Recap

Our ONPP Rescue Recap for 2024! It has been a grueling year, and looking over the numbers explains that completely. What a whirlwind! All I can say is how proud I am of our tiny but mighty team!

628 cats trapped, vaccinated, and fixed by our trappers. Our TNR program is on the streets weekly helping caretakers fix feral cats. Fixed cats, on average, live longer and healthier lives. Spraying and fighting are greatly reduced, and new litters of kittens are eliminated.

1,342 cats and dogs were fixed through our voucher program in 2024. This includes our TNR number. We help owners in South County fix their owned dogs and cats, too. This program is only possible through our grantors, donors, and amazing clinics SNIP Bus-Spay Neuter Imperative Project and Animal Friends Rescue Project clinic.

456 dogs and cats came into our foster program. We rescued 149 dogs/puppies and 307 cats/kittens. Giving animals second chances is a whole team effort and is incredibly rewarding. WE NEED MORE FOSTER HOMES! If you are willing, get in touch with us.

Our mission remains steadfast. Our numbers prove that if you increase access for families to free or low-cost spay/neuter, they will do the responsible thing and get their pets fixed. Working together we can improve the outlook for animals in our area, state, and country. The most proactive thing you can do to help, is to SPAY/NEUTER your pet and help others do the same.

We are so grateful for all of the support we received in 2024 for an impactful year and we're looking forward to more happy outcomes for animals in 2025. 

Thank you to our recent sponsors!

We are grateful that larger organizations recognize the need for more access to low-cost spay/neuter in our area. Our spay/neuter voucher program helps us TNR community cats as well as helps owners fix their owned cats and dogs. We are facing unprecedented overpopulation in Monterey County and in the state of California. Programs like these recognize the need for a proactive approach stemming the tide of new unintended litters being born. We received a one time contribution from Monterey County SPCA and have received ongoing sponsorship from Dogwood Animal Rescue and Friends of Community Animal Services. 

We love our high-volume clinics!

Along with our sponsors, we'd like to acknowledge our valued high-volume clinics! Partnering with SNIP Bus and AFRP clinic has allowed us to do so much more than we could with traditional brick and mortar vets. SNIP Bus brings access to free or low-cost spay/neuter into communities that would otherwise not have vet options. With the price of vet care skyrocketing, many families have been unable to pay costs including spay/neuter.

Animal Friends Rescue Project's clinic has allowed us to provide amazing care to community cats in dire need of medical attention. They have also allowed us to do more spay/neuter for our community pets.

Join us for Bingo!

Stevie's Family Restaurant on Friday, December 6th, 2024

Join us for a fun night of Bingo benefitting our spay/neuter efforts in the community. $25 per player. There will be Bingo prizes and additional raffle baskets available. Hope to see you there!


800th Rescue!

October 28, 2024

Our 800th rescue had to come with a little drama. We got a call from one of our local auto shops. Two kittens had traveled in a car engine and needed help. One of our fosters agreed to go get them, and fortunately,  they were unharmed.

Thirteen days later, we got a call from a neighbor to the shop. A kitten was hiding and had been spotted for several days around the shop. We worried it might be a sibling left behind. We were able to trap the scared kitty yesterday (Sunday). Our foster is checking him out to see if he might be a littermate. Stay tuned!

Dia de los Muertos Paint Night

Thank you all for a fun and successful event!

November 2, 2024

Join us for our SECOND annual Paint and Sip for the Pets! Thank you @snipvillepetcare @melscherer1230 for hosting us again. This event will be held on Dia de Los Muertos, Saturday, November 2nd. Please arrive by 1:30 PM. We will be painting at 2 PM.

We will have an altar, so feel free to bring the photo or an item belonging to the pet (or person) you want to honor. Auction items, raffle items will be available as well as a table to buy ONPP merchandise and support our spay/neuter cause! Please register today! https://forms.gle/JbTHa1VBPpjLfsLy8 

Stop the CAT-astrophe!

Get involved! We are experiencing an overpopulation in our county and state that results in more animals getting euthanized at our shelters. The most proactive thing we can do for cats (both domestic and feral) is fix them. One thing almost anyone can do is donate $25 a month. Consider that sponsoring the cost for one community cat to get fixed. The $25 will add up and be a true investment into what we are seeing in our communities. Click the donate button and rather than making it a one-time donation, click MONTHLY. We would truly appreciate having more people on our monthly donation list. YOU will help transform the life of one cat each month!

Over 500 Rescued Since March 2023!

We recently passed our one year anniversary! I won't even say celebrated, since we haven't celebrated yet . We didn't set out with any numbers as goals. We started to put our money into spay/neuter without reproach. Our spay/neuter numbers have surpassed our expectations, and we see rescue as a byproduct of what we are doing with spay/neuter to help our community.

We could not have anticipated the numbers we have been able to get into foster with our rescue and with partner rescues. Really, this number is bittersweet because for every animal we rescue, so many more are still in need.

Help us continue the momentum by advocating, educating, fostering, adopting, and donating. We your support. Spread the word.

Paint Your Own Pet!

July 12th, 2024

Help support our rescue and community group, have some fun, and leave with your pet portrait! Please send us your pet's photo by July 10th. The sooner the better. Text us the photo and any questions to 8312612273.

Paint Your Own Pet with ONPP! Join us on Friday, July 12th, 2024 in Monterey. Our artist will sketch your pet on canvas based on the photo you send us. His sketches are beautiful! Alex will be there to help you with the hard parts. Come have some wine, light refreshments, win a basket, and have some fun being an artist with friends without any pressure. Sign up today for a good cause!



Inspiring the Next Generation!

This video sums up so much of what we believe. These students saw a momma and her litter at their school. They knew help was needed. Fortunately, one of the students is the daughter of one of our fosters. We helped provide traps and guidance, but the desire to ACT was all theirs. They trapped momma and her litter of four. It took a little time and several attempts. 

Our foster and her daughter fostered the kittens and worked to make them domestic so they could be spared the lives of feral cats. All kittens got adopted! Momma cat was spayed and vaccinated and returned to her area. Momma cat was feral and ferals should be returned to their original area.

We need the next generation. We need to guide them in solutions and support their desire to help. We won't be able to address all the need on our own forever. We have to enlist help. Isn't it wonderful that our youth can be part of the answer?

Goodbye 2023, You Were 

Good to Us!

Reflecting on the close of 2023 left us with such a feeling of gratitude for all of the support we have received. We thought we'd start our little rescue and do a little at a time to help the animals and support our communities. We are so thankful that we have received so much help in return. Thank you donors for keeping us going! 

We can't say enough about the tiny but mighty team we have in our corner. We brought 186 dogs and 224 cats into rescue.  37 of those dogs and 57 of the cats were adopted to new families through ONPP.   Utilizing our support from other rescue organizations, we transported 142 dogs and 157 cats where they were able to find loving homes.  Due to the fact that we take in very young puppies and kittens, often with serious health problems,  1 dog and 3 kittens passed while in our care.  The remaining animals stayed in ONPP foster care into 2024, waiting for their forever homes.  

In addition to our rescue pets, we have fixed 1,043 animals in our community.  These dogs and cats were either owed by local families or were feral cats being cared for by neighborhood pet lovers.  

400 Rescued in our First 

Nine Months!

We started out without putting forth any goals in terms of the numbers we would be able to help in our first year as a rescue. Starting a new organization was the goal itself. There have been stressful moments, but the journey so far has been so fulfilling. Every little face melts us and the team does everything possible to find solutions for each case. We work hard, but we are certainly rewarded with happy outcomes!

500 Community Spay/Neuters from March to September, 2023!

Thank you to all of our donors and supporters! We have hit the 500 mark! 500 community cats, owned cats, or owned dogs have been fixed in OUR NEIGHBORHOODS thanks to our voucher program. We provide access to areas that have historically had limited access to affordable services. Our volunteers transport, set up appointments, trap and facilitate in any way needed. Thank you to partner vets, especially Snip Bus, AFRP Clinic, and Pet Maintenance & Repair for providing low-cost services.

We need your help to do more! Donate today with our donate button. You can also click monthly to make it an automatic monthly donation. The bulk of our budget is going to spay and neuter.

200 Rescued in Four Months!

We are celebrating 200 animals rescued in four months, Mid-March to mid-July! Two hundred was more of a projected goal for our first year. We are so excited to have hit the mark much earlier than expected. We extend our appreciation to our fosters, adopters, transporters and partner rescues who help get these dogs and cats into new forever homes. Here's to the next two hundred!

EIN: 92-2719770


Email: mvillagomezdogs@gmail.com

Follow us: Instagram @ourneighborhoodpetproject

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ONPP93927